Tag Archives: nightshade free

Feta, Pea and Dill Quiche with Lentil and Sweet Potato ‘Pastry’

Feta, Pea and Dill Quiche with Lentil and Sweet Potato ‘Pastry’

Confession – after watching the movie based on preparing a dish from Julia Child’s classic cookbook every day, my teenage son and i decided it would be a good idea to bake our way through a cookbook. Only we chose Womens Weekly Cakes Biscuits and Desserts! After only a week we realised this would kill us, and I was running out of people to foist the leftovers onto. So I started baking cakes for Astro as a monthly treat.

Our speaker for April is Anita Rossiter who is talking on the gut brain connection. Her healthy diet is not as omnivorous as the standard food pyramid or plate or whatever shape the gov is pushing now. No sugar, no gluten – So I”ll have to lift the bar on Astro $1 a head catering beyond ‘mystery dip’ and the staple packet mix glutenfree choc brownies 🙂 Granted they have no e numbers on the mix and i make it with fresh nuts, freerange eggs and great butter, but i can’t help feeling a wee bit guilty when they are complimented.
I’ve been feeling somewhat intimidated by this. My canadian friend Bernice’s food blog to the rescue! Her sister follows a similar diet to Anita and she’s entering this unique vegetarian quiche with a gluten free lentil and sweet potato crust and these hors d’oevre sized morsels Shrimp Lentil and Turmeric Dumplings in a contest and i think they will please both Anita and our often vegetarian members. Leave a nice comment on her blog if you want to help it win.